Friday, 11 May 2012

Music of the heart; a beloved blessing

Music of the Heart; a beloved blessing

It is my belief that Music is the universal language.

Fewer things in my life bring me greater joy than a great song! Agree? Since I was a little lad, I have loved to sing. It always felt like I was born to do it. It’s hard to believe that something I love so much has brought so much joy into my life.

I first noticed my need to turn to music to help me emotionally when I was in Jr. High school. Whenever I was scared or felt anxious I would go in my room and blast the music. I drove my family crazy with my passion for music. I would often get yelled at by my two sisters when I would run around the house belting out hits by Celine Dion and Reba. However, some of my greatest and favorite childhood memories involved Reba and Celine! Me and my mother spent several hours in the kitchen singing together. It was our bonding time, time that I still cherish in my memories.

Then in 2004, I went to Toronto to enter a singing competition with Exposure. I dedicated my song as I sang it to my mother, as it was mother’s day and my audition song was ‘Amazed’ by Lonestar, and I truly was amazed by my mother. Well, I won the hearts of all the mothers in the room, but not the judges. I left feeling rather deflated and I lost my interest in singing for a short time. Especially since my new found love of God wouldn’t allow for a career in show business, again putting my real wants aside.

However, it didn’t take long for me to get back into singing and my renewed love of music.  Even the first dance for my wife and I was “Amazed” that I went into the studio to record a demo of. I always felt like music can speak to the soul. And that it is such a beautiful way to express emotion.

It wasn’t until recent years that I was told that Singing and Music was having another impact on my life.

Cystic Fibrosis is a lung and pancreas disease. I’ll repeat, LUNG and Pancreas disease. My passion, my love for music which always felt like my avenue to feel alive, was actually contributing to the health of my lungs. When we sing we use so many parts of our body, but mostly our lungs. Breathing air into them in different ways and exercising my diaphragm was proving to have a major impact on my wellness. In fact, the doctors told me that it had direct impact on my lung function and was advised to ‘sing my heart out’ whenever I felt the need. To this day they attribute my singing to the longevity and stamina of my lungs.

So, why did I want to write a blog entry about my love of music and singing? Because I want to show how important it is to do what you love, what you’re passionate about. It may just be saving your life!

Today, because my lungs are not in good shape, I am finding it difficult to sing as good as I have in the past. Does that stop me? No. It won’t. Not until I take my last breathe. Recently someone asked me what I’m looking forward to after I receive new lungs, and as the tears roll down my face as I write this, I would say it’s to honor the donor family by recording an album. I write music and I express myself in my songs. And I want to show proper appreciation to someone who had to lose their life so that I could re-start mine by singing, with new healthy lungs, to the “top of my lungs”. Because it is on that day that I will be able to do just that. I have wanted to record an album for a long time, but just haven’t been able to for different reasons. And I don’t know how I will do it after, but I know and I believe in my heart that it will happen. I will MAKE it happen.  It actually has me looking forward to the future.

Another passion of mine is Interior Design. And I feel like I am waisting another talent of mine. I am looking forward to feeling healthy and starting my own business in that field. I have decided recently that I am going to name it after my first born nephew, Damon James. I think Damon James Design has a nice ring to it, and that will be the name. I may even start that before my transplant to give me extra incentive to come out of that operating room alive, not that I need any more reasons. Damon James himself is enough for that!

Follow your heart! Do what you love! Even if someone doesn’t approve or think you’re good at it.

 Do it anyway!

Even when you sing at the top of your lungs and it drives people nuts.

Sing it anyway!

Even when you are dancing and you don’t have a clue what you’re doing, if you love it….

Dance anyway!

Just because you may not have Cystic Fibrosis or Cancer or are facing a deadly disease does not mean you are guaranteed tomorrow. None of us are. That’s why it’s so important to do what you love. After all… could be saving your life.