Friday, 27 July 2012

Strange Disease

Strange Disease

Adjustment making, that’s a big key when it comes to having Cystic Fibrosis. Our bodies change all the time, so it’s normal for us to try a new med, or a different form of physio. But what I am really finding hard to adjust to, is this ‘healthy stage’ I’m going through, because I feel FAT!

As I mentioned before in another blog, CF affects the lungs and digestive system. Most often in people with CF, their bodies work so hard to keep their lungs working somewhat normally that it requires so much energy from the food we eat, which then means we aren’t gaining the proper weight we need. So being ‘small’ is something I have just gotten used to. Besides one other in high school, it was quite obvious that there was something wrong with me. I still am small framed and not what you consider ‘big’ by no means. In fact for the very first time ever in my life, my weight is exactly where my CF Team wants me to be! But you have to understand for someone who is used to looking like he has anorexia, having any extra weight on feels, not uncomfortable, but hard to get used to. I’m used to looking in the mirror and being able to count how many ribs I have. These days, the only thing I’m counting is how many months pregnant I look after I finish one of Perry’s mothers delicious home cooked meals!

Now, I’m not complaining either! I feel so healthy that it scares me these days. But it’s just hard to adjust sometimes. You spend your whole life being compared to a toothpick and now all of a sudden people are shocked to learn that I have this terrible disease because I look so healthy! I remember when my older sister started losing weight, she too had an adjustment to make in feeling healthier and slim. So it works both ways!

Fitness is something that is very important to people with CF. And I don’t think the CF community is properly educated on it. I was taught until I got a good doctor who knows what he is talking about, that we need to eat all the fat we can, all the grease we can, all the carbs we can…..FOOD FOOD FOOD! EAT IT! Our body doesn’t break down the fats the same as a normal body so most of us, like myself, can eat a pound of bacon every morning and not have to worry about cholesterol or gaining any weight. In fact my doctor recently put it this way to me. He said, “Jamie, your one of very few people who can sit down and eat whatever you like and not have to worry about anything! In fact, if you want to have a feed of fish and chips, dressing and gravy before bed, go right ahead!” So you see, it’s a totally different lifestyle than normal. But what I didn’t know until I did my own research is just how important it is to exercise.

I was so tired of always being the skinny one. I thought I would start going to the gym. I read many articles from people with CF that talked about how great they felt after working out that I thought I must give this a try. So, I went. And it was hard at first. 5 pound weights, felt like a hundred. But as I kept going I started noticing results. Not only was I getting lean muscle, but my breathing improved. I then asked my physiotherapist why I noticed the difference and she explained to me that it’s because I am raising my heart rate which carries blood faster and more efficiently through the body which brings oxygen to areas of my lungs which most likely have not been reached before. So not only was I getting the body I wanted, but I was also helping my lungs too. Especially now where I am preparing my body for a lung transplant, it’s so important to keep my body fit and working in good order. Because when we get new lungs, we still have the same body, so it’s important to keep the vessel in good condition for the new lungs to go into.

I have been a bad boy since I have been out of hospital, I haven’t gone to the gym not once since I got out in April. But in a way I am kind of glad. It allowed me to give my body a break and to pack on a few extra pounds which I can now turn into lean muscle. Perry is such a support as well. Even though we don’t go to the gym, we walk regularly around the harbor here where we live, which has no doubt helped me get to where I am.

I would advise anyone reading this with CF to have a strong work out/ exercise routine that includes some cardio but mostly weight lifting and strength training. I am a million percent confident that you will feel better! It has given me so much more energy as well. I was tired all the time and couldn’t get enough strength to do anything before. Now I’m like something who needs to take a pill to calm down! And the great thing about working out is, while you’re helping the inside of your body which is more important, but you are also getting a great body outside! I mean who doesn’t like to see a man with a six pack, nice pecks and great looking arms? I SURE DO! Lol

So there ya have it! My latest dilemma! Getting used to looking healthy! However, with all the positive feedback, I think it’s something that will grow on me. :)

“Happiness lies first of all in health.”
~ George William Curtis

Jamie Leigh Francis